

To foster open mindedness thereby increasing the awareness, enriching the discourse, abating fear and lessening the suffering for those around us.



Create a worldwide forum through which subscribers and visitors can share their own and learn from the stories of people whose life experiences have opened their minds to new ways of seeing and understanding the world around them.



In five years, An Opening will become a nationally recognized source and thought leader for open-mindedness and the positive impact it can have on every one of us.


Relentlessly Open Minded. Intensely Curious. Unconditionally Respectful. Genuinely Compassionate. Courageously Vulnerable.



Thanks for visiting An Opening.

 Here’s a little about me: I grew up on the near west side of Cleveland, Ohio in a low-income household. My brother Andrew and I had just started our schooling when our father committed suicide. I was just six years old. Needless to say, this event seriously changed the course of my life. Thankfully, I had a large and loving family around me at the time, including the most loving of mothers. I was accepted into a prestigious all-boy Catholic high school that instilled the mission “men for others.” That notion has stuck with and still guides me today. 

I played football for 13 years, during which time I became an Ohio State champion and played at the varsity level at Harvard University. During my time there, my worldview was thoroughly challenged. Many of my own “openings” occurred there via my brilliant and diverse classmates. As you might imagine, all of these rather significant ingredients in my life didn’t always mesh well together, but wow did I learn a lot about people and how to maintain an open mind.

Since my early years in college, I’ve had my thoughts and beliefs significantly challenged. I’ve worked hard to be open to new ways of thinking and seeing the world around me (whether I showed it outwardly or not). Working for the past 26 years in the financial services industry and traveling around the world has introduced me to a great number of new experiences, many opening me up and enabling shifts, even if small, in my worldview.

And that led me here …

 I have felt called to take on this project for many years, and now seemed like the time to take action. I can’t think of a time in my life where fostering open-mindedness has been more important. If my efforts can serve to open just a few minds, or even inspire my three children to be curious, ask questions, and listen to others, I will feel a great sense of accomplishment. 

 But I cannot do it alone. I need the help of hundreds to impact thousands. So please join me. Tell your story and help me share it. Encourage others to do the same. Every little opening matters and serves to help reverse the negative and often unintended impacts of the information culture we live in today. Even if small, we can make a difference and bring our humanity back into our discourse.